Category » JUNOs The JUNO Tour of Canadian Art January 24, 2015 to April 26, 2015 Presented By: 2015 Junos Awards Now in its fifth year, The JUNO Tour of Canadian Art (JTOCA) is an exhibit that takes place at a high-profile art gallery in the host city to the JUNO Awards. JUNO Award nominees and/or winners select works within a gallery???s Canadian collections that serve as personal or artistic inspiration, their response is video recorded, and displayed in the gallery next to their chosen piece on screen and via a gallery label, as a part of The JUNO Tour of Canadian Art.Time: Open during regular gallery hours, visit Location: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 123 King St W, Hamilton, ONAdmission Details: Free» View all events for 2015 Junos Awards.
Event Details. Location:
Hamilton, Ontario