canadiary Hamilton

Diary of Events and Happenings in Hamilton, Ontario.


Category » Performing Arts Tribes May 07, 2014 to May 24, 2014 Presented By » Theatre Aquarius, Dofasco Centre for the Arts This brilliant and critically acclaimed play follows Billy, a deaf man raised inside the fiercely idiosyncratic and unrepentantly politically incorrect cocoon of his parentsl house. It's not until he meets Sylvia, a young woman on the brink of deafness, that he finally understands what it means to be understood. Audience advisory-strong lanuage. Call 905.522.7529, Toll-Free 1.800.465.7529 or visit Theatre Aquarius, Dofasco Centre for the Arts, 190 King William St., Hamilton, ON L8 R 1» View all events for Theatre Aquarius, Dofasco Centre for the Arts. Event Details. Location: Hamilton, Ontario